Thursday, March 24, 2011

Willy Wonka Get Together!

I miss my Wonka cast!!! So, I will be at HFAC tonight at 7:00 for anyone that wants to join me. We can watch a movie and play some games and just hang out. You are all invited! I hope that everyone is able to come and hang out.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Closing Show

Wow! Great show! Let's finish up strong!

We've gotten just a little lazy with getting moving upon arrival. Saturday, call was at 1:00. At 1:15, there were still people arriving, or hanging outside talking, and we could not do mic checks at 1:30, because so many people still did not have their mics on. At 1:45, we still did not have everyone.

Sunday, here's the drill:

Call is at 1:00. We cannot arrive early, but you should not arrive late, either. IF YOU MUST ARRIVE LATE because of church, you MUST call!! Teri's number is 832-630-2185, and Hannes' number is 281-467-0840, and Kaitlyn's number is 713-725-2433. If you are late, be aware that you are late, and come in without messing around, move quickly, get dressed, and if applicable get mic'd.

Mic check for all candy kids and Candyman will be at 1:30. We will run the Candyman song, and then you will hand off your mics to the leads.

Mic check for all leads will be at 1:45, and all leads will be in costume at the time. We need time to make sure the cord is in good condition, with no crackling no matter how you move.

2:00 We will run the finale


We will have assigned roles for everyone. For the younger Oompa Loompas, the biggest thing is for EVERYONE to get your dressing area completely cleaned up. Please don't make other people have to clean up your stuff. We do not need little ones hanging out in the audience or under foot while moving heavy set pieces.

For everyone else, after the show is the time to help strike, (not primp for the cast party or sit around talking). We will have to clean the other two dressing rooms, the backdrop, lighting equipment, props to box up, set pieces to disassemble. The truck needs to be loaded up and taken to Woodedge and unloaded before cast party so that we can return the truck. Hannes will have a list of things to do. When everyone helps, it all happens very quickly. Let's end strong and all of us give a good show of teamwork. We have been known to descend on a set and have it cleared in an hour.

MODEST swimwear is required if you are planning on swimming at the cast party. Girls, most of your suits will require a tshirt over them.

Here is a note we got from a patron after Saturday's show:

I just returned from seeing the 3pm Willy Wonka show, and I just have to tell you how wonderful I felt the show was. I couldn't believe that the cast was mostly children, they were remarkable! I brought my five year old daughter to see the show, and I was amazed and so thrilled to see her face just glowing and smiling through the entire show. It was a very magical day, and I want to thank you so very much.

My family frequently visits the theatre (and in this economy we've really had to cut back), however, this show was to be an introduction to my youngest daughter to see if we could take her with us in the future. I was so impressed and will be purchasing seats to every show now. I'm so pleased that we can now afford to take our entire family of five to see such high quality shows, and without driving too far or causing so much financial hardships. Thank you for such a high quality performance.

Thanks, everyone, for being such a blessing to this family and so many others!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pick up rehearsals this week

Several of the principal dancers have asked for some extra rehearsal time this week to fine-tune the dancing. We are providing the following extra rehearsal:


The following people are needed for Thursday's pick-up rehearsal AT HFAC REHEARSAL STUDIO

Thursday, March 10 at 7:00 pm:

Willy Wonka

Leads with lines in Candy Cast

Candy kids and Oompa Loompa with lines or solos

Principal dancers

PLEASE run all your lines and lyrics several times between now and Thursday!!! You would be amazed at how quickly they will slip from your brain. We will run the entire show start to finish, primarily for lines, and lyrics. Principal dancers will get an opportunity to run all songs (with lyrics) and dances.

We do not need: nonspeaking parents, Phineous Trout (needed at Bountiful rehearsal), leads from Chocolate cast, Candy Kids or Oompa Loompas that do not have solo lines or lines in a scene.

We will run the show in order. When your part is finished, you will be permitted to leave.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Music notes - please READ and APPLY

Wonka Music Notes 3-3-2011

I don't give a lot of positive feedback in my notes, because I take them mainly to make adjustments. However, I'm proud of you all, and I love you dearly!!!

Act I

* All...@ very end "now" is 8 beats!!!!!
* Tjade...dear boy...what happened to ur words????
* Tjade...I like the way u ended it yesterday better. Tonight u ended an octave lower than Wonka...I liked the harmony
* it too low for u now? I'd rather u sing it like u been at the sounds like a cheer
*!!! U luv eating! I wanna hear it in ur voice!
* Dancers...please sing
* Nora...thanks for printing these lyrics for backstage singers!
* Caroline Gregory...don't forget to always round up people to sing this song backstg in the loading dock! I desperately need voices on the mic
* Sam...low note "you'll know what TO do"...make sure to get all the way down on that note
* Sam...great energy...don't ever lose that
* Mihir...much better on the beginning! Now, don't rush
* Mihir..."yes, we can see it alllllll" ...u got off pitch...ur usually good at that part! Careful not to go that high tomorrow!
* Seth & Megan.."til that day....right where you belong" got behind slightly
* Sam...again, I luv ur energy...keep it up
* Sam...I luv u eating ur chocolate when Phineous is talking to u, funny ( u r a starving kid afterall)
* Sam & Caroline...can u ad lib when trying to get Grandpa Joe out of bed..."c'mon" "u can do it" etc... Just have a couple measures that need to be filled before Joe sings again

Act II

* Roger...diction on "eating as much as an elephant"
* All on mics...ur mics r ON for the song even if u don't have a solo to fill out volume...please sing purty!
* Norris...words
* Maddie & u wanna switch solos? Talk to me
* Josh...I luv the fog
* Addie...good cover @ beginning
* uh-oh.......
* Austin & Ryan...all oompa soloists stand on SR...stand w little Gia
* All little oompas...since ur not on stage or on the sides anymore, don't sing...there is a delay in sound
* Spoiled families & dancers! ...please sing Oompa 5 since the little ones apparently can't anymore
* Sam...last note "should"...too much!!! Fix vowel and not quite so loud
* All...cutoff...count to 6 & off
* for those of you who remember that "gol-den" is different (shorter) than earlier...thank u!

Schedule for Friday

5:30 Call (We are allowed to enter at 5:00. If you are a principal dancer, and you felt rushed on Thursday, you may want to come a little early) Everyone please come in and get dressed, makeup on, and get your microphone on. You might be able to proceed directly to mic testing.

6:00 SHARP - All principal dancers on stage, along with any other young adults strong enough to move set pieces(Tjade, Caroline, David B). We will move from the end of each Oompa Loompa dance/song, to actually physically moving the set pieces to their places in the next scene. (see scene changes at the bottom of this email)

Also at 6:00 in front of closed grand: mic testing begins.

6:45 SHARP - All squirrels and oompa loompa squirrel guards on stage. We need to practice putting buckets of nuts into the chute and pressing "good nut" and "bad nut" buttons, and having someone (Peter?) taking buckets of nuts off and returning empty buckets. At the end of the scene, squirrels run off to stage right to sing Oompa Loompa song. THEN go back and grab your buckets and exit.

7:00 Set stage for Act I. - help is welcome.

7:30 House Opens - Those wearing mics report to Wyatt to POWERLOCK ALL MICS ON - Please be quiet on stage from this time on - NO TALKING - and if someone tries to remind you that you're making too much noise, please respectfully stop talking.

7:40 - OPENING NIGHT CIRCLE. This is a time of encouragement. Please be thinking of someone you'd like to recognize for being an encouragement to you and for making the show fun for you. Circle is for everyone - we're all part of a great big team with one united goal: to put on a fabulous show that rocks their socks off! (please remember if someone causes you stress that it's not purposeful, and we're all on the same team)

8:00 Overture begins.

Act II Scene Changes:

Act II begins with the chocolate room preset, with 12' door and 8' door on SR, 12' white wall UL, and 8 foot door SL.

After Oompa Loompa I, move off the "candy hills" and then go to triangle units to get ready to turn.

Drop will rise just as someone in the boat says "Where are you taking us?", lights black out and projection and music begin. Those not dancing or involved in boat begin to turn triangle units to 12' white and 8' inventing room on SL and SR. (or if you have a break in the dancing, turn your set piece) Jacobs twins can turn set pieces when song starts and then get blueberry ready.

After Oomopa Loompa II, move and turn triangle units to 8' white and 12' bubbles on SR and SL

After Burping Song, move and turn triangle units to squirrel formation and bring in the chute.

After Oompa Loompa III, remove chute, move units to 8' whites on SR, with TV between them, and 12' whites on SL with only 2 feet between them, and folded black curtain on floor. Mid closed. During scene, curtain comes up, lights strobe, Mike Teavee EXITS, and then curtain drops.

After Oompa Loompa IV, push units together and get ready to bring on Wonka Elevator

Thursday, March 3, 2011

EVERYONE LOOKED GREAT LAST NIGHT! We just need to get the final touches to make this show blow everyone's socks off.

The main thing I noticed was HAIR. I saw MANY people who hadn't done anything to their hair. YOU WILL STAND OUT IF YOU DO NOT FIX YOUR HAIR. The costumes will look completely off if everyone's hair isn't done.

PLEASE GO ALL OUT ON YOUR HAIR! PLEASE FIX IT BEFORE YOU ARRIVE TONIGHT AND BEFORE EVERY SHOW. I heard there was people going into the dressing rooms to use the mirrors to do their hair, and we really don't have time or space for that. People running around causes too much stress. The only thing that shouldn't be done is your makeup and putting your costume on.

Jeah's hair looked GREAT, and Bryn's hair was GREAT. I'm not sure of other's names, but I want all the girls looking like this.

Guys if you have short hair, it's pretty easy to make it look crazy. Thanks!

Richard Hanh - please add some snow white or silver grey to your hair. You need to look older!
David Chrisman - It probably wouldn't hurt to do your temples, or what shows under the hat.

Guys, please bring belts if you need them.

Anyone who is bringing parts of their costumes (Candy Kids, ETC). PLEASE BRING IT! If you show up and you forgot it, there's not much I can do.

J. Blanchard - What I meant last night about your pants: They look great, I just noticed they were a little long. I might be able to hem them before tomorrow if I can. But you looked AWESOME! love the hair.

Chesnay - Please wear brighter sneakers. If you don't have them, I bought several pairs of neon laces you can use.

Thanks everyone! This show will be great. I'll be there tonight early to make sure everyone's dressed.


Lighting Note to Principal Dancers and Oompa Loompas

For your entrances on every Oompa Loompa number, we will provide a brief light cue with a little light on the side aisles and black light on stage BEFORE the music starts. Move quickly, but SAFELY please. One little oompa loompa taking a tumble on the stairs can cause the entire line to go down like dominos....! The lights will go up as soon as Principal Dancers are in place and music will start at the same time. Lights will probably not wait for every single Oompa Loompa to be in place. Oompa Loompas should continue to sing and move into place if you're not quite there yet.

Also, if you are staged to come in from the back of the audience on some of the Oompa Loompa numbers, you get there by QUIETLY going as a group down the hallway and up the stairs that come through the entrance doors into the theatre. Split into your groups on each side of the audience but stay back and stay quiet! It echoes in there, so you can't say anything or you give away the surprise!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011



* Soloists? ...what happened?
* Norris & Tjade...great cutoff together
* Bob, J, & Jody...please don't sway while ur singing
* Tracy...this is a chorus number where only dancers r onstage & they have a tendency to not song when they're dancing...offstage mic?
* Dancers...SING!!!!!
* Seth...after Charlie sings, "...sees me thru!" @ the beginning, can u start to walk away or something to give her a reason to sing some more
* Seth...don't sing, "positive is the way to be" with the charlies bc both of them do it differently
* Caroline...proud of u...ur working hard & doing well
* Mihir...pitch at beginning is too low! Keep workin this, hun
* Katie...please sing w Mihir, "cuz he's got his computer" will help w pitches
* Dave...I like the nose touch on that music at the and before u sing ur last "cheer up charlie"...that was cute & it fit perfectly
* Caroline - girl...get more excited when u say, " look what happened..." u got a ticket!!!!
* Marcus - Wonka's mic needs to be on at end of Think Positive reprise...he sings instead of Charlie as indicated by script
* Caroline...words
* Natalie...ur awesome on stage
* All...great ending vocally!, gimme more excitement physically, & it will also brighten your sound!!!!


* J...dialogue took a lil too long,
* Norris...while they're "looking" for Wonka...make sure ur listening for when to come in!!!
* Norris...r u supposed to have a pen or something for them to sign the contract?
* Norris..."marshmallow pillows to....when u just can't sleep"...words/pitches
* Norris...this is one I need u to listen to the pitches
* ur pitches u have recorded on ur recorder
* All...diction
* Norris...listen to the pitches again, please
* Maddie F...u can sing ur solo down the octave in chest voice
* "H" on "it's so appealing" ("hits")
* Christie...thx for covering while Marcus was fixing sound stuff before ur music came on
* Christie..."I want the works"...words
* All...cutoffs!!!!! They're short in this song!
* Ryan, Gia, Austin...Gia has the second solo between you guys!
* ....troubles
* All...this needs work...words...pitches...harmonies...cutoffs
* All...don't forget we all sing in this!!!
Pamela M. Moore

Oompa Loompa Songs

Oompa Loompa 1:

I've got a perfect puzzle for you!
If you are wise, you'll listen to me!

What do you get when you guzzle down sweets?
Eating as much as an elephant eats!
What are you at getting terribly fat?

What do you think will come of that?

I don't like the look of it!

If you're not greedy, you will go far!
You will live in happiness too!
Like the Oompa Loompa Doom-Pa-Dee-Do!

Oompa Loompa 2:

I've got another puzzle for you!
If you are wise, you'll listen to me!

Gum chewing's fine when it's once in a while!
It's stops you from smoking and brightens your smile.
But it's repulsive, revolting, and wrong

Chewing and chewing all day long

The way that a cow does.

Given good manners, you will go far!
You will live in happiness too!
Like the Oompa Loompa Doom-Pa-Dee-Do!

Oompa Loompa 3:

I've got a perfect puzzle for you!
If you are wise you'll listen to me!

Who do you blame when your kid is a brat?
Pampered and spoiled like a Siamese Cat.
Blaming the kid is a lie and a shame!

You know exactly who's to blame!

The mother and the father!

If you're not spoiled then you will go far
You will live in happiness too!
Like the Oompa Loompa Doom-Pa-Dee-Do!

Oompa Loompa 4:

I've got another puzzle for you!
If you are wise, you'll listen to me!

What do you get froma glut of T.V.?
A pain in the neck, and an I.Q. of three!
Why don't you try simply reading a book?

Or could you just not bear to look?

You'll get no...

You'll get no...

You'll get no...

You'll get no commercials!

Turn off the T.V. and you'll be a star!
You will live in happiness too!
Like the Oompa Loompa Doom-Pa-Dee-Do!

Oompa Loompa 5:

I've got a final puzzle for you!
If you are wise, you'll listen to me!

There is a problem with lots of our youth!
Not ev'rybody likes telling the truth!
Telling the truth starts a beautiful buzz!
Isn't it nice when someone does?
It could be contagious!

I've Got A Golden Ticket Lyrics

I never thought my life could be
Anything but catastrophe!
But suddenly I begin to see
A bit of good luck for me!

'Cos I've got a golden ticket!
I've got a golden twinkle in my eye!

I never had a chance to shine
Never a happy song to sing
But suddenly half the world is mine
What an amazing thing!

'Cos I've got a golden ticket!
I've got a golden sunup in the sky!


Boy what a day to be alive
Now golden ticket number five
Is right here! In the palm of your hand!
Boy what a day to celebrate!
Boy what a day to label great!
When every dream that you ever planned's
Comin' into land!
Don't it beat the band?


I never thought I'd see that day
When I would face the world and say

Good morning!
Look at the sun!

I never thought that I would be
Slap in the lap of luxury
'Cos I'd have said it couldn't be done!

But it can be done!

Yes it can be done!

I never dreamed that I would climb
Over the moon in ecstasy!
But nevertheless, it's there that I'm
Shortly about to be!

'Cos I've got a golden ticket!
'Cos I've got a golden ticket!

He's got a golden ticket!

I've got a golden chance to make my way!
And with a golden ticket
It's a golden day!

We never ever dared to think
That there would be a golden time
When bang! In a glorious golden blink
Our lives would become sublime!

'Cos we've got a golden ticket!

I've got a golden ticket!

We've got a golden chance to make our way!
And with a golden ticket it's a golden day!

I Eat More Lyrics

Ve give him...
Fruit juice for breakfast
Plus melons und mangos
Und cereals, bananas, and cream!

Zen fried eggs mit bacon
Tomahtoes und mushrooms
Mit bread rolls und buns by ze ream!

Und coffee und toast
Spread mit butter und marmalahd
Sweetmeats und neat treats galore!

And what does Augustus do when breakfast is through?

I eat more!
I eat more!

He has bratwurst for luncheon
The size of a truncheon
Mit pasta und foie grass und soup!
Zen lamb chops und suckling pig
Duckling und chicken
Ein banqvet befitting ein Gloop!

Ze luncheon begins sharp at twelve forty five
And it ends about quarter past four!

And what does Augustus do when luncheon's through?

I eat more!
I eat more!

Between meals ze cook feeds me
All kinds of goodies
Like choc'lates und pudding und snacks!

You must understand
Young Augustus is so highly strung
Eating helps him relax!

Mom has Vonka bars sent in sacks!

I make certain zere's nuzzing he lacks!

Then dinner...

Of course is his meal of ze day
Ven Augustus comes right off his diet
It's hamburgers, hot dogs
Und ten tons of french fries

Und if I vant more zey supply it!

Augustus keeps eating

Und eating

Und eating!

Until he subsides to the floor...

And when he's finally back on his feet
Can the kid even get through the door?


Und zat's vy Augustus
Has lived in ze dining room
Right from ze day he vas four!

So what does the poor little lad do all night
To prevent life becoming a bore?

I eat more!
I eat more!
I eat more!
I eat more!
I eat more!





He eats more! More!
He eats more! More!
He eats more! More! More! More! More! More! More!

I eat more!

The Candy Man Lyrics

I can't stop eating sweets!

All those wonderful Willy Wonka treats!

You can keep the others

'Cos me

I'm a Wonkerer!

When it comes to candy, Willy's the conqueror!

The conqueror!

Who can take a sunrise
Sprinkle it with dew
Cover it in choc'late
And a miracle or two?
The candy man.
The candy man can.

Who can take a rainbow
Wrap it in a sigh
Soak it in the sun
And make a strawb'ry lemon pie?
The candy man.

The candy man?

The candy man can.

THE candy man can
'Cos he mixes it with love
And makes the world taste good

The candy man makes
Ev'rything he bakes
Satisfying and delicious

Talk about your childhood wishes!
You can even eat the dishes!


Who can take tomorrow

Muh ma muh mu ma wo

Dip it in a dream

Mip i i i mweeem

Separate the sorrow and collect up all the cream?
The candy man.

Ma mandy mam

The candy man can!

Ma mandy man can!

The candy man can
'Cos he mixes it with love
And makes the world taste good


And the world taste good
'Cos the candy man thinks it should!

Golden Age of Chocolate Lyrics

Once upon a choc'late time
A long, long choc'late time ago
The golden age of choc'late began.

I know 'cos I was there.

When it comes to choc'late
He's a many flavored man, you know
'Cos that's the age of choc'late that he ran

With oh such style and flair!
And the golden age of choc'late
Has lasted all these years
The golden age of choc'late that every child reveres

But soon I'll be retiring
To make way for someone new
Some brght spark I'll be hiring
But who?

But who?
But who?
But who?

Whatever your opinion is about me
The choc'late world could not survive without me!
There'd be no more
Choc'late ripples
Or choc'late tipples
Choc'late ruffles
Or choc'late truffles
Choc'late kisses
For you young misses
Soft and creamy
Completely dreamy
Or choc'late ices
'Cos choc'late crisis
Will grow and grow and grow!

The day that I retire, I know! The day that he retires, we know!

No, no, no ,no!
No, Willy Wonka just can't go!

There'd be no more
Choc'late squiggles
Or choc'late giggles No more giggles
Or choc'late whirlies
Or choc'late swirlies No more swirlies
Choc'late twirlies
For all you girlies No more twirlies
Choc'late bagels
Or choc'late bugles No more bugeles
Or choc'late bubbles
'Cos choc'late troubles Choc'late's troubles

Will grow and grow and grow!
The day that he retires, we know!
No, no, no, no!
No, Willy Wonka just can't go!

'Cos the golden age of choc'late
Has lasted all these years
The golden stage of choc'late
That ev'ry child reveres

There's a golden page of choc'late hist'ry
We must write somehow
For the golden age of choc'late
To make life sweeter now!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Arrival time

Just a reminder for the eager and ambitious: Our earliest arrival time at Berry Center is 5:30, and we cannot allow one person in earlier. They usually don't mind if people are waiting in the loading area until 5:30, but no one can go to dressing rooms or onto the stage or we get charged extra. Dancers should arrive at 5:30 and begin rehearsing. We will start mic'ing other people and mic the dancers last. Call for other actors is 6:00. We must be out of the building tonight by 10:30. Our goal is to be done well before that, but if we put in a couple longer nights tonight and tomorrow, then Thursday basically runs like a show and then we go home. Berry Center personnel were pretty impressed with how well the rehearsal went and how quickly everyone picked up and vacated the building.

A safety note: Do NOT just run outside and sit alone somewhere if your parents are not there yet. Stay with the director, stage manager, or artistic director until you are picked up. We will wait until everyone is gone. Parents should all be there no later than 10:00 tonight.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday through Monday

Please get a laundry basket to contain all your personal items at Berry Center.

Food and drinks are not permitted backstage, in dressing rooms, or in the audience seating, or in the loading dock area. Food and drinks are only permissible in the conference room/Oompa Loompa room.

We need parents to volunteer to bring healthy snacks for tech week.

We need kids to bring a quiet non-messy activity to do during rehearsals and shows. Coloring books and gameboys work fine. Board games with lots of little pieces tend to get scattered. Cards are OK if they're kept together in one place. Please be careful about expensive electronic toys...


Friday: Set building & painting - If you're available, we could use you! If you'd like, stop in and see the brief, free, Veggie Tales performance at 5:00 pm.

Saturday: 9am – 1pm: Run entire show. Rehearsal could run over slightly, but based on Thursday’s rehearsal, we do not anticipate any significant lengthening of rehearsal on Saturday.

Saturday Evening: You have several cast members performing in Hairspray at Berry Center Saturday evening. It would be nice to go see their show.

Sunday 2pm - 5pm: We need all cast members 16 and over, and some parents who can, to load props, sets, and costumes from 2 to 5 PM at HFAC. We will order pizza for dinner and then head over to the Berry Center. We will get to the Berry Center about 6:30 PM and stage everything to move in at 7 PM or earlier if CAPA's Hairspray has completed their strike.

At 7 PM on Sunday, ALL PRINCIPAL DANCERS will meet to rehearse at the Berry Center and will not participate in load in. Instead of helping with load-in, we need all principal dancers (including those in Hairspray cast) to work on dances. We have a conference room we can practice in so that you’re not disturbed by the load-in going on during that time. We will provide pizza for principle dancers who are in Hairspray so they don't have to leave the Berry Center to have dinner prior to rehearsal. Since so many principle dancers had to miss rehearsals this week, this Sunday rehearsal is mandatory. We'll have ice cream at the end of rehearsal and load-in on Sunday evening.

Call at 5:30 for Wonka, Ticket winners, and speaking parents.
Call is 6:00 for others wearing mics.
Call is 6:30 for everyone else (that means INSIDE, not pulling into the parking lot). We will RUN the show beginning at 7:00 pm, running act II first, and then act I. The goal is to have young kiddos out by 8:30 because of TAKS testing. ALL CAST is expected to be at Monday’s rehearsal. Students in the Glee class will have their tuition refunded. It was originally thought that we would not need everyone on Monday, but we will be able to have most of the lights set during the day on Monday, and we have a conference room that we can use as a practice room if things on stage aren’t starting right on time. With the extra room, we won’t have dancers standing around waiting on tech and we can make efficient use of time.

Please plan on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday rehearsals 5:30 - 10:30. We actually plan to be finished with rehearsal no later than 10:00 pm each night.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Willy Wonka Tonight - Wednesday, February 23

Earlier this week Josh posted on the blog that we need everyone, every day this week. Our original schedule did not call for rehearsal tonight, but we are behind on one of our major dance numbers, so we need to work on that dance number tonight, so we can run the show on Thursday. We will not have rehearsal on Friday so everyone can rest, but we may need to extend our rehearsal on Saturday, depending on Thursday's run through.

Tonight, Beth will work with the Oompa Loompas, Squirrels, and Principle Dancers on the Golden Age of Chocolate. Josh will work music with the leads.

Sunday Load In (February 27, 2011)

We need all cast members 16 and over, and some parents who can, to load props, sets, and costumes from 2 to 5 PM at HFAC. We will order pizza for dinner and then head over to the Berry Center. We will get to the Berry Center about 6:30 PM and stage everything to move in at 7 PM or earlier if Hairspray has completed their strike.

At 7 PM on Sunday, all principle dancers will meet to rehearse at the Berry Center and will not participate in load in. We will provide pizza for principle dancers who are in Hairspray so they don't have to leave the Berry Center to have dinner prior to rehearsal. Since so many principle dancers had to miss rehearsals this week due to Hairspray, this Sunday rehearsal is mandatory.

We will post our tech week schedule later this week.

Thanks for all your help in making this a great show!


Wednesday 2/23/2011

I need everyone who is available to come to rehearsal tonight. We need to work on dance and music.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Break A Leg Ads

Parents, we have received quite a few break-a-leg ads for the program. We want verify that we have received all submitted ads. Please email Cheryl at and let her know how many break-a-leg ads you submitted and for whom. You do not need to include the message of the ad, just the name and quantity. We'd hate to miss anyone. Thank you!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week before tech week...

Everyone is called every day this week. I want to do as many run throughs as possible. I need you to start bringing in props and start wearing costumes. I need all the oompa loompas to bring their shoes monday night, and females also need to bring black leotards. I will be inviting everyone to meet with me at Chin Tao on monday at 6:00 pm to eat with me before rehearsal. This is an amazing cast, and I am so glad to be working with yall. We are going to blow people away with this show.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

EVERYONE is called for EVERY remaining rehearsal

We have 7 rehearsals before we have an audience. Everyone is called for every remaining rehearsal. You need to be there unless you have a conflict that you made us aware of at auditions. And if you have a conflict that there is any way you can get out of, please try. We are behind. People have been coming up with new conflicts and have been missing rehearsals. It has been especially bad this past week. It is very frustrating on me and your cast mates, and it makes it difficult to work on scenes when only half the people are there. I know we all have lives outside of this show. But to put things in perspective, I am at EVERY rehearsal, I am building set EVERY day, I am directing 3 other shows at the same time as this one, and I teach the homeschool classes at HFAC, and I have my own business. I have easily exceeded 80 hours on Wonka this week alone. I don't expect everyone to put in that much time. But I do expect you to be at every rehearsal, and be on time. And I don't think that is to much to ask. Again, if you have had conflicts that were on your conflict sheet, I understand. If you were actually sick or in the hospital, I understand. What I don't understand is people just not showing up and not even calling. Or worse, calling to say your sick, and then I hear from someone else or read on your facebook, that you were actually hanging out with friends instead of being at rehearsal. We have 7 rehearsals left. I am trying my absolute hardest to make this a great show for you. This is my first mainstage show to direct. And what a show to start with. It will be amazing. But, working with a cast of 86 is no simple task. And the set, costumes, and dancing for this show are all complicated. I am having fun, and I hope you are too. I love this cast. All of you are amazing. But we are at crunch time. 7 rehearsals left. I need you to bite the bullet and be there for every one. I know this show will be incredible, and I am honored to work with all of you. Thank you.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Prop request

Elizabeth Revelise has asked me to pass on the prop list to the cast. Here is a list of props that we need for the show. Elizabeth is coordinating props, but a lot of these things can be found at home. Any items you bring will be catalogued and returned after the show.

We have most of the candy items mentioned on this list, as well as the golden tickets. Several of the items are easy to construct, but it can still be a lot for one person, not so much for several people.

Please contact Elizabeth Revelise at if you have any of the following items. Then she'll know what she still has to make or buy.

Papa Loompa- whistle

Scene 1
• Bowls
• Spoons
• Pot
• Wooden spoon
• Kitchen towel
• Soup?
• Newspaper
• Grandpa George needs glasses
• Toothpaste caps
• Radio
• Stove
• Floor lamp
• Table cloth
• Quilt
• Bedding

Scene 2
• Nickels
• Lollipop
• Boxes of candy for candy cart
• Newspaper

Scene 3
• Chocolate bar

Scene 4
• Golden ticket

Scene 5
• Video camera
• Fuzzy microphone
• Light
• Handheld microphone for phineas
• Powder puff makeup
• Chocolate
• Dancer plates with silver dome (can be pizza plate with dome lid from wok)

Scene 6
• Business card
• Miniature nut peanut packets

Scene 7
• Books
• Pink slip
• 1 toothpaste cap
• Birthday hats made of newspaper

Scene 8
• Chocolate candy

Scene 9
• Gum
• Trophy

Scene 10
• Cell phone
• Remote
• Wii remote
• Handset
• Personal celebrity prop

Scene 11
• NA

Scene 12
• Snow
• Wet rag
• Buckets
• Ribbon dancing equipment (blue)
• Sequins (gold and silver)
• Box
• Cane
• Silver dollar
• Books
• Flashing camera

Scene 13
• 5 purple pens
• Nice camera
• Notepads and pencils
• Handkerchief
• Tissues
• Cell phone
• Camera
• Contract
• Chocolate scent?

Scene 14
• Goggles and snorkel with brown painted on it
• Check book
• Bowl of chocolate pudding
• Gumball

Scene 15
• Conductor hat

Scene 16
• Gobstopper (blue)
• Button
• Lights/lasers

Scene 17
• Filled beakers
• Test tubes
• Glass bottles

Scene 18
• Fake nuts
• Trays of nuts
• White/silver wheelbarrow

Scene 19
• Protective goggles
• Camera
• Mike Teavee doll
• White remote
• Handkerchief or box of tissues brought out by an Oompa Loompa for Ms. Teavee


From here on out, EVERYONE will be called for EVERY rehearsal. If you are unable to make it, or if you will be late, please call to let me know. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I will be building set and painting all day. I would greatly appreciate any help that I can get. Thank you. I cannot say enough how much I love all of you. You are a wonderful cast.


Thursday, February 17, 2011


Reminder, everyone is called today! Thanks! I am so glad that I get to work with all of you.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Easy set construction/painting

Cast, please dress to paint from now on. Even if you just have 15 minutes, there's always something you can do!!

construct 1 x 2 wood frames for back of "chocolate river wall"

paint back of candy boat black

paint front of candy boat glossy pink

paint candy wall brown

paint back of candy wall black

paint primer on periactoid and other walls

paint primer on pieces of "Bucket Shack"

Help construct "giant blueberry"


ok... so 3:45 and still awake...
I created a candy wishlist on under the name Willy Wonka.

Here is my priority List:
Gigantic 3-Pound Rainbow Swirl Pop
Giant 9-Inch Psychedelic Swirl Lollipop
Giant Wavy Swirl Paddle Pops: 12CT Box
Giant Jelly Beans -Unwrapped: 30LB Case
Giant Gold & Silver Milk Chocolate Coins: 72-Piece Display
Mega Peppermint Candy Cane Twist Sticks: 12CT Display
Enormous 4-Inch Jawbreaker Candy Ball
A Yard Of Bubblegum Gumball Filled Tubes: 12CT Display
Giant Pixy Stix Candy Straws: 100CT Box
Giant Candy Necklaces: 18CT Box
Giant Tootsie Roll Candy Bars: 24CT Box
Giant 1-Pound Sugar Daddy Pop
Yard Stick Bubblegum: 48CT Box

While Anything yall get would help, these are the things that I think would be most helpful. Any candy yall buy for the show should be purchased by this Saturday at the absolute latest. Thanks!

Stuff, Stuff, and More Stuff...

First off, I love all of you. This is the best cast ever!!!

Well, it's 2:30 am, and I'm still hard at work. I just want all of you to know that I will do everything in my power to make this show great. I am so proud of all of you. And you deserve an amazing show. The dancing looks great. You have all been working so hard. The singing sounds amazing. The acting is phenomenal. The costumes look great. Now, I'm just working on getting you a great set. I will be working on set whenever I can tomorrow and Thursday. I would greatly appreciate some help. I will also be building set all day Friday, and Saturday after rehearsal. Any help I can get will be amazing. I will also be finishing up the set on Sunday if I have to. The more help I get, the faster it will go, and the better it will be. There is a lot to do.

There are several things that you should all have in by now:
$75 Costume Fee
Personal Prop list
Cast Ticket Sales
Program Ads
Costume (if you're providing your own)

Speaking of Costumes... Oompa Loompas, I need all of you to let me know if you still need shoes. All female oompa loompas need a black leotard. I need to know ASAP if you don't have one. All oompa loompas need either black dance shoes, or converse. I need to know ASAP if you don't have either. All oompa loompas should be thinking of fun ways that you can style your hair. And if any of you think that you can do your own eye makeup, and help with others, please let me know.

If you are providing someone elses costume, I need those ASAP. Thursday, we will be filming the scene where Agustus is sucked up the tube, and the scene where Mike Teavee is shrunk. These will be done on green screen.

Set, and choreography needs to be done by Saturday if possible.

I need the following props as soon as possible. Please let me know if you have any of these that I could use.

Willy Wonka Prop List

Papa Loompa- whistle

Scene 1

· Bowls

· Spoons

· Pot

· Wooden spoon

· Kitchen towel

· Soup?

· Newspaper

· Grandpa George needs glasses

· Toothpaste caps

· Radio

· Stove

· Floor lamp

· Table cloth

· Quilt

· Bedding

Scene 2

· Nickels

· Lollipop

· Boxes of candy for candy cart

· Newspaper

Scene 3

· Chocolate bar

Scene 4

· Golden ticket

Scene 5

· Video camera

· Fuzzy microphone

· Light

· Handheld microphone for phineas

· Powder puff makeup

· Chocolate

· Dancer plates with silver dome

Scene 6

· Business card

· Miniature nut peanut packets

Scene 7

· Books

· Pink slip

· 1 toothpaste cap

· Birthday hats made of newspaper

Scene 8

· Chocolate candy

Scene 9

· Gum

· Trophy

Scene 10

· Cell phone

· Remote

· Wii remote

· Handset

· Personal celebrity prop

Scene 11

· NA

Scene 12

· Snow

· Wet rag

· Buckets

· Ribbon dancing equipment (blue)

· Sequins (gold and silver)

· Box

· Cane

· Silver dollar

· Books

· Flashing camera

Scene 13

· 5 purple pens

· Nice camera

· Notepads and pencils

· Handkerchief

· Tissues

· Cell phone

· Camera

· Contract

· Chocolate scent?

Scene 14

· Goggles and snorkel with brown painted on it

· Check book

· Bowl of chocolate pudding

· Gumball

Scene 15

· Conductor hat

Scene 16

· Gobstopper (blue)

· Button

· Lights/lasers

Scene 17

· Filled beakers

· Test tubes

· Glass bottles

Scene 18

· Fake nuts

· Trays of nuts

· White/silver wheelbarrow

Scene 19

· Protective goggles

· Camera

· Mike Teavee doll

· White remote

· Handkerchief or box of tissues brought out by an Oompa Loompa for Ms. Teavee

I need everyone to please be patient with me. Every rehearsal from here on will be all call, and we will be running the show as many times as possible. I am working very hard, and not getting much sleep.... I just want to do whatever I can to make this a great experience for all of you. I couldn't ask for a better cast. I am here for all of you.